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6 days ago

3 min read




Spa room set up example

Basic Requirements: 1. The personal service area must be physically separated from any pets and from any areas used for living or sleeping, dining, food storage or preparation, bathing and washroom purposes.

2. A sink, that is not in a washroom, kitchen or used for anything other than the operation of the personal service facility, is required for the purpose of hand hygiene and instrument reprocessing. The sink must be:

•  readily accessible to each service area;

• have permanent hot and cold running potable water of suitable quantity and pressure; •  constructed of stainless steel and of a suitable size;

• supplied with liquid soap and single use towels in a suitable dispenser or hot air dryer; • and equipped with suitable counter space or similar surface nearby for soaking/drying equipment.

3. A washroom must be provided with a toilet and a hand wash basin, equipped with liquid soap and single use towels in a suitable dispenser (or a hot air dryer).

4. Backflow prevention shall be in place, where contaminated water has the potential of entering the potable water system.

5. All work surfaces shall be constructed of smooth, non-porous and cleanable materials (i.e. painted drywall, vinyl composite tiles, linoleum or sealed concrete, etc.), and these must be in good repair.

6. Work areas must be adequately lit and ventilated.

7. Client contact surfaces (tables, chairs, headrests etc.) must have a smooth, non-porous and easy to clean finish, and these must be in good repair.

8. Adequate storage space must be available for equipment, instruments and supplies. 9. Suitable garbage containers must be readily available, maintained and emptied regularly.

10. Approved disinfectants for disinfecting equipment, surfaces and reusable instruments must be available.

11. An acceptable skin antiseptic shall be provided for skin preparation and post treatment.

12. I tems, that cannot be proper ly disinfected/sterilized 

or are intended for single use, must be discarded af ter each client use. Examples include:

•  foam based nail files and buffers

•  pumice stones/abrasive foot scrubs

•  toe separators foam flip flops

•  sharps such as lancets and credo knife blades

•  sand-paper sleeves for nail file drill heads

•  wooden popsicle sticks and cuticle pushers

13. A puncture resistant container shall be provided for the disposal of needles, razor 

blades and other sharp devices or instruments.

14. Pigments, cosmetics and other supplies must be labeled and handled in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.

15. Chemicals, detergents and cleaners must be stored, maintained and prepared in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.

Please refer to the Personal Service Regulation and the associated Health Standards and Guidelines for a more complete list of requirements. Be sure to inquire from your provincial/community Health Authority for specifics requirements.


1) Appointment book

2) Towels

3) Massage bed or facial treatment bed

4) Operator stool

5) Dir ty towel holder/hamper

6) Bleach for laundry

7) Accel cleaner this is a high level sanitizer

8) Fitted bed sheets for treatment bed 9) Large Ultrasound gel for treatments/ (usually come with smaller containers for easy use)

10) Disposable razors

11) Cabinet for supplies

12) Tongue depressors wooden box of these

13) Business cards, pamphlets and price sheet

14) Medical waiver consent forms sign in photocopies

15) Client file folders

16) Fan in the room

17) Clipboard

18) Hair clippers for really hairy backs

19) Disposable gloves

20) 70% alcohol

21) Camera for before and after photos

22) Paper towels

23) Disposable wax bed treatment paper, called examination paper

24) White eyeliner for marking body

25) Towel client wrap dress

26) Towel head bands to protect hair

27) Polysporin with lidocaine gold and black tube

28) SPF 30

29) Aloe vera

30) 3X3 gauze pads

31) Cold frozen packs

32) Client hand held mirror

33) Treatment jacket for yourself or scrubs (aesthetician lab coat)

34) White sticker labels to cover moles or white medical tape

35) Cream cleanser for doing face laser treatment

36) Sink in the treatment room or a stainless steel bowel.

37) Chair for clients clothes or sitting

38) Hook on the back of the door

39)Treatment Forms

We recommend most of these supplies at